Esoteric School
Norwegian Sufi Community

Welcome to the Esoteric school of the Norwegian Sufi Community!

Our Esoteric school is dedicated to guiding spiritual seekers on their journey of inner transformation and self-discovery through the teachings of Sufism. The Sufi Path is inclusive of our daily lives, it does not renounce the world like some other paths. As the saying goes: A Sufi is in the world but not of the world.

Our school comprises an Outer (Exoteric) and an Inner (Esoteric) part. The outer part is open to all interested. We are working on a self-study program (with email support) for the exoteric part. If you take your time with the self-study, it will have a positive effect on your life; it will give you more insight into yourself and life.

The inner part consists of individual guidance for those on the Path, with or without supplements like studies/courses in small groups or individually. (This depends on an individual assessment by the spiritual teacher). This part is closed to the general public for a reason. The reason is not secrecy. The reason is that Mystical teachings, in whatever form, tend to create illusions in people who are not ready to receive them. It is not curiosity, not an urge to be interesting, not to acquire something to talk about with others, that are reasons to join the Inner part. The Inner part of the Esoteric School is for those individuals who come for the only right reason: A sincere quest for self-realization.


Spiritual Awakening 

The path of spiritual awakening expresses itself in many ways. In our times, we see changes in the form the process of a spiritual awakening takes. Traditionally, spiritual awakenings would occur in some people who actively search for the spiritual and long for a deeper meaning in life. This still happens, but there is a tendency noticeable of people  experiencing signs and signals of spiritual awakening, seemingly without any conscious search.


Read more (pdf):

What is a Spiritual Awakening? 

The Seeker 

The Sought

Spiritual Bypass

A Myth Concerning Mental Hospitals

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Norwegian Sufi Community

Introduction to Prayer

In my Soul (by Rabia Basri)

In my soul, 

there is a temple, a shrine, a mosque, a church 

where I kneel

Prayer should bring us to an altar

where no walls or names exist.

Is there not a region of love where the sovereignty

is illuminated nothing, 

where ecstasy gets poured into itself

and becomes  lost, 

where the wing is fully alive

but has no mind or body?

In my soul, 

there is a temple, a shrine, a mosque, a church 

that dissolve, that 

dissolve in 


When Hazrat Inayat Khan brought his Message of Unity to the West, the religion of Islam was vibrantly alive in the East. In the West, Christianity still dominated our society and culture, but the Church’s monopoly on spirituality and prayer had become more broadly questioned. 

After his visit to Norway in1924, ceremonial and informal spiritual

services were held weekly for many years to come, and they were often led by women, like Susanne Kjøsterud and Gyda Habjørn.

In these services, Hazrat Inayat's own prayers were included. They symbolize Unity within diversity.

Read More (pdf):

Intro til bønn på norsk

Naturlig Bønn

 Natural Prayer



Norwegian Sufi Community